
Showing posts from February, 2021

Heroes: ours & Bowie's..

We clapped for our NHS again recently and it got me thinking about the notion of heroes and conversely... of villains. People don't like villains, they never have. Well not really. Yes of course they're always exciting in sci-fi or fantasy film setting but in reality it's not something to preach about or sell. 'Bad boys' in the modern sense yes to a degree but never villains, the traditional term never gets a mention. When The Beach Boys released "Heroes and Villains" in 1967, it largely sunk without trace and never got stuck in the public consciousness like Bowie's "Heroes" did, who's anthemic call - "just for one day" - had become part of last summer's BBC Radio wide singalong and entered the British psyche, just like Captain Sir Tom Moore did, a gentleman, decorated war hero and astonishing philanthropist who single handedly raised a staggering £29m for the NHS. "Heroes" incidentally wasn't even a huge hit